“I am deeply grateful that this knowledge and joyful message crossed my desk in my lifetime. It has literally given me all the answers to the many questions about life I still had and I want to be instrumental in promoting these groundbreaking concepts as much as I can locally.”

Cees Meiboom, founder of WTM Centurion

About WTM Centurion

Cees, with his copy of 'FREEDOM', at Smuts House Museum, which is dedicated to the legacy of the South African statesman, military leader and philosopher, Jan Smuts

Cees, with his copy of FREEDOM, at Smuts House Museum, which is dedicated to the legacy of the South African statesman, military leader and philosopher, Jan Smuts

WTM Centres are located across the world — from here in Africa to the Americas, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Asia — and they are multiplying as recognition and support grows for Jeremy Griffith’s all-important biological breakthrough understanding of the human condition.

The founder of WTM Centurion, Cees Meiboom (whose Sotho/Tshwane name is Lesiba), was born in the Netherlands and raised in South Africa, where he and his wife Annalie brought up their three sons.

Cees has a Diploma in Project Management through The School of Project Management in Pretoria. He worked in Information Technology for almost 40 years, including almost a decade as a freelance lecturer, presenting courses in Project Management, IT System Design and Group Facilitation Skills.

Cees has been a passionate chess player from a young age, and has also coached people in the game for many years. He speaks Afrikaans (home language), English and Dutch.